Meet an Everything To Sea Traveler: Andrew spills tunes and beans on The Naked Thai Villa trip
We had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew to The Naked Thai Villa two weeks ago. The man is an actor, board game aficionado, and all-around great company. Originally from Canada but now based in Beijing, he kept the group entertained with music, crafty skills, and lively conversation. In this discussion with him on the last day of the trip, we dove into topics like body positivity and human connection, and he even shared some top tips for Everything To Sea newbies.
Hey Andrew, what do you get up to in your free time? I mean, when you’re not joining an Everything To Sea trip!
Andrew: My free time is largely spent playing board games, doing something crafty, or cooking. On this trip, these are all things I had the chance to do nude for the first time. I smuggled some board games into the villa and had a chance to play them naked with other fellow travelers by the pool.
As for crafts, oddly enough I even found a way to craft a cockring out of the sap of a rubber tree… so far so good, I haven’t had a skin reaction! As for cooking… I’d rather be wearing underwear – just to be safe.
I noticed your contribution to the playlist during the trip. Who is your favorite musician right now?Andrew: Oh gosh. Surely an embarrassing question. My taste in music has never been very “cool”. Golden oldies, musicals, and easy-to-digest pop hits of the 90s. Luckily the crowd in the villa is very diverse, and I’ve been able to find someone who appreciates every uncool corner of my musical tastes. I’ve even bonded with 2 other guys that love country music! It’s nice to know we even have cowboy representation at the villa.

How did you feel about your body before the trip?
Andrew: I think I felt the same as everyone about their body: Hate it. Too much in one place, too little in another. That’s what makes Everything To Sea trips all the better. When everyone is naked, after about 5 minutes, it suddenly doesn’t matter and you can stop picking yourself apart. You can finally allow yourself to be who you are on the inside and just relax.
How does it feel to be naked around others?
Andrew: Imagine how you first feel being naked in front of a new partner… initially, it’s a little awkward, but exciting, too. You’re perfectly plucked and positioned… then VERY quickly you feel free to be nude around them, without a second thought. That’s how it is at the villa. At first it was a bit odd for me, but now I’m comfortable being “in the buff” around all the other guys.

Have you felt a sense of freedom here?
Andrew: Absolutely, and in more ways than just freeballing in the pool! Being naked around people brings you closer much faster, which leads to a freedom in expressing deeper parts of yourself. Also, there is freedom in connecting without technology (no pockets), and in not taking yourself so seriously.
What’s been a funny moment so far on this trip?
Andrew: There have been far too many to count. From hearing the adorable screams of someone ziplining for the first time, to the absurdly beautiful interpretive dance we created in the pool the other day. I’m often in stitches about something.

Have there been any moments this past week that struck a deeper chord in you?
Andrew: A really interesting moment was when a fellow traveler handed me their phone to show me something. Suddenly they were struck with the thought that they didn’t have to worry about me swiping on their phone because we were already so open about everything. It was very poignant.
Isn’t it odd that we don’t share that same level of openness and honesty with more people in our lives?
How does this trip compare to your previous travels?
Andrew: Actually, none of them can compare. The food is great, the company is even better, and the excursions are absolutely top-notch.

What are your travel companions like?
Andrew: A very diverse crew! At first glance, you might think we would have divided into an older and younger crowd, but I certainly didn’t find that to be true. We all mingled, got to know each other, and have become quite close. My fellow travelers are from all over the world, and of different ages, shapes, and sizes with vastly different occupations, values, and personalities. Somehow, being naked puts us all on equal footing, making it easier to truly connect.
You chose our shared room option. What’s it like sharing a room with someone you’ve never met before?
Andrew: Ah, I’m sure some people are very interested in the answer to this question as they book their trip. I imagine the shared room experience is different every time. Sharing a room with a new person can be exciting. Are they sleeping… or are they awake? Are they masturbating? Do they need a teddy bear? At first, it was like that for me.
Although some villa guests may have had a bit less sleep due to shared rooms and the occasional symphony of snoring—or even roaring—my experience has been nothing short of perfect. I have a cute roommate, the space is cozy, and he keeps things exciting (while ensuring I sleep soundly… and snugly!) To be honest, my shared room option has worked out really well for me 😉
Were you hesitant about joining the trip?
Andrew: Absolutely. I had many doubts:
- What if everyone is crazy hot? What if they aren’t?
- What if it’s too sexual? What if it’s not? What if I don’t like anyone?
- What if I like everyone and can’t decide who to sit with on the excursions!?!
I found the latter to be true. The trip is what you make of it, and everyone is respectful of every step you want to take – or don’t want to take. I’m impressed by how many guys are open-minded here.

What would you say to someone unsure about joining a trip like this?
Andrew: It’s been my first time doing anything like this, so I can understand the hesitation. It’s hard to imagine what it’ll be like from the outside. So here are my recommendations:
- Book early – that way it’s so far away you won’t talk yourself out of it.
- Feeling ugly? Literally no one cares.
- Feeling shy? Relax and be shy! It’s cute.
- Feeling different? Everyone is different or an outsider in some way.
By the end of the trip you’ll know some of these things about your fellow travelers, and totally accept them for it. Give yourself a break and don’t worry so much. It’ll turn out great.
Thanks so much for this talk, Andrew.
Andrew: It’s been my pleasure… just like the trip!
What are your nudist travel tips for a hesitant traveler? We’d love to hear your pearls of wisdom! Let us know in the Comment section below.
Glad to see this site.Looking forward to information.
Hi Fred,
Thanks for your interest in getting some information.
Our Captain of Sales, Adam, will be in touch with you. He can help you with any questions you might have.
Naked regards,
Everything To Sea
I am interested in stays a nude male facilities worldwide.
Hi James,
Thanks for your interest!
Adam, our Captain of Sales will be in touch with you with some information.
Naked regards,
Great interview. Thanks you for sharing
Hi Jerry,
Glad you enjoyed this article!
Naked regards,
Everything To Sea
What a great interview with Andrew. In this, he answered the questions that I have pondered myself. Even though I am a former leader of a gay men’s nudist group, I was comfortable with being naked with the rest of the group but less comfortable when in a larger group event. Reading Andrew’s comments really opened my eyes on how amazing these trips can be.
Hi Mike,
Thanks for sharing! I’m glad Andrew’s interview resonated with you and shed light on how enriching these experiences can be. It’s great to hear how it’s broadened your perspective!
Naked regards,
Everything To Sea
What if few guys want to have sex
Hi Terryl,
We support that as long as it’s consensual. As a company, we don’t plan sexual activities. It does happen between travelers on some trips, but it’s more organic rather than prescribed.
Naked regards,
Everything To Sea