
Meet an Everything To Sea Traveler: Andrew spills tunes and beans on The Naked Thai Villa trip

We had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew to The Naked Thai Villa two weeks ago. The man is an actor, board game aficionado, and all-around great company. Originally from Canada but now based in Beijing, he kept the group entertained with music, crafty skills, and lively conversation. In this discussion with him on the last day of the trip, we dove into topics like body positivity and human connection, and he even shared some top tips for Everything To Sea newbies.

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Everything To Sea Staff Picks: Indonesia’s Exotic Fruits

“Blessed be the fruit” (we’ll send you five pictures of hot guys with fruit, if you can guess this reference. Just leave a comment in the section below). Surely you know about eggplants????, bananas????, and peaches????. In this blog post, Everything To Sea staff share their favorite fruits. For this list, we’re focusing on fruits that are native Indonesian and considered exotic to this Southeast Asian country.  

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The Largest Lizard on the Planet

This is a blog about naked sailing, so why are we talking about lizards? Well, one of the experiences on Everything To Sea’s voyages takes you to some of the most remote Indonesian islands, where you will come across the rare Komodo dragon. And, they are fascinating! For starters, did you know that females don’t need a male to get pregnant?

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