
Meet an Everything To Sea Traveler: Andrew spills tunes and beans on The Naked Thai Villa trip

We had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew to The Naked Thai Villa two weeks ago. The man is an actor, board game aficionado, and all-around great company. Originally from Canada but now based in Beijing, he kept the group entertained with music, crafty skills, and lively conversation. In this discussion with him on the last day of the trip, we dove into topics like body positivity and human connection, and he even shared some top tips for Everything To Sea newbies.

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Top Naturist Blogs To Read In 2025

Great news, we’ve been selected as one of the top 35 Naturist Blogs by Feedspot for the second year running! While naturism and clothing-optional activities continue to grow in popularity, finding ways to connect with the community can present quite a challenge depending on where you live. We have found that blogs continue to provide the best travel advice and resources for our clothing-optional explorations. Here is a snapshot of a few blogs that were selected alongside this one. 

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Ashamed to Admit You’re a Nudist?

Are you curious about nudism, but concerned that you’ll be judged negatively? Shame can be a powerful deterrent to nudism. At Everything To Sea, we believe that there’s a deeper purpose to shedding off clothes: Being naked is a way to practice self-acceptance. There comes a time when we have to question from where shame around nudity stems. Also, who or what perpetuates it… and why? Some of these answers are candidly expressed, in an article we found on British Naturism.

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Nudity and the Fullness of Manhood

Have you ever wondered why guys avoid being naked in locker rooms? Is it about society’s rules? How we’re raised? Perhaps, a sign of the changing times? Check out this article we found on the subject – edited for brevity – by Kevin Frye on medium.com.

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Naked Came the Strangers

For this blog post, we’d like to feature an article from The New York Times that explores how our naked bodies have changed over the past 50 years. It transports us back in time on an entertaining journey, complete with references to iconic events like Altamont Speedway and Woodstock. But it’s not just focusing on our body’s physical changes – our perceptions of nudity have also shifted. This article will have you questioning everything you thought you knew about nudity. We hope you find the evolution of our naked bodies as fascinating as we did!

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Shedding Shame: Naturism in a Conservative Upbringing

Everyone’s got their own story to tell. And we think it’s interesting that no matter how niche someone’s experience is, we can all identify with at least a few aspects. In this blog post, we’d like to share a story originally published on AlmostWild.com. It’s the story of a young man who grew up in a conservative, evangelical home in a small farming town and struggled with his body image and sexual orientation. And like so many of us, he found solace in naturism. Read more from a proud gay naturist, below.

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A Conversation with Ukrainian Nude Photographer, Artem Humilevskyi

Are you a fan of evocative and thought-stirring photography? In this blog post/interview from PlanetNude.co, we take a closer look at the work of Ukrainian artist and photographer, Artem Humilevskyi. His nude images capture the raw human spirit in a way that is both haunting and playful. Though he doesn’t consider himself a nudist, he recognizes nudity as a tool for self-expression and reflection in his craft. We hope you enjoy learning about this artist and his creative process!

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Gen Z’s Got 99 Problems But Clothes Ain’t One!

We recently came across this blog post from British Naturism that we just had to share with you. It sheds light on the increasing interest in naturism among young adults in the UK and how social media has influenced their body image. As a naked sailing company, we were fascinated by this article and it reinforced our belief that social nudity can have a positive impact on mental health and body image. So, we thought you’d enjoy taking a look too!

*Trigger warning: This blog mentions eating disorders and suicide.

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We like Nudists, Voyeurists, and Exhibitionists. We don’t like Seeists.

What’s your insecurity? More than likely, a body part comes to mind. Hairline. Nose. Skin blemishes. Balls. It’s hard not to succumb to the negative emotions around our insecurities, and let them stop us from living life fully. Some people practice nudism in rebellion against the arbitrary societal assignment of “good” versus “bad” appearance. Screw all the bullshit of a good versus a bad stomach – a body is a body is a body. And all men’s bodies are welcome on Everything To Sea trips. We love the way this article from AlmostWild.com goes further into this topic.

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Meet An Everything To Sea Traveler! Ric Grant

We really enjoy getting to know the guys who join our trips through deep conversations. We’d love to share this honest conversation between Everything To Sea and Ric, a traveler who came aboard our boat in October 2022. Ric is a freight operations manager (choo-choo!) who loves spending his free time camping naked in the bush of Australia. He inspired us with his story and we’d like to highlight him in this post as part of our blog series called “Meet Another Everything To Sea Traveler.”

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Top Tips for Nude Hiking Legally (And Illegally)

“Freehiking” is the modern term for the act of hiking or walking in nature while naked. For this week’s blog post, we’d like to share an excerpt from an article on PlanetNude.substack.com. It outlines the best practices for trekking naked in nature – legally and illegally. The original article contains a disclaimer, and we’d like to add our two cents: While we enjoy nude activities like freehiking, we don’t condone illegal activity and we believe that nudity, even in settings where it’s allowed, should be practiced mindfully.

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What Kind of Weirdo Goes to Nude Beaches?

We came across this article on Medium.com from nudist writer, GB Dare. He uses satire as a persuasive technique, to send the message that “nice, ordinary, productive members of society sometimes like to be naked and/or have a few kinks.” When we think of who comes on our Everything To Sea sailing trips, we could say the same exact thing. We hope you enjoy this sarcastic – and hilarious – post as much as we did!

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On Social Media, Sex Sells, Nudism Doesn’t

You might think that posting images from our trips is a simple thing to do, but in fact, it’s pretty darn complicated. It may seem that our social media and website are rather conservative, considering we’re a nudist company. That’s because we’ve had our fair share of issues, including having Instagram photos flagged and taken down, and having our social media accounts shadow-banned. There’s lots of grey area in terms of what body parts we can and can’t show, which can differ with each platform. For example, we can’t show a bumcrack on our website (though, we can show a bit of side cheek), or else we’ll be penalized in our Google search results. That’s the nature of being a naturist company in a world that can’t seem to wrap its head around non-sexual nudity. In this blog post, we’re sharing an excerpt from the Planet Nude substack, written by nudist historian and podcaster Evan Nicks. Read on to learn about the “algorithmic amplification of body shame.”

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My Naked Identity

In a healthy nudist community, practicing non-judgement is essential, accepting people as they are is precious, and staying curious is where the magic happens. In this blog post, we’re sharing an excerpt from AlmostWild.blog. It’s a beautiful reminder of how the practice of nudism is nuanced, and how it can mean different things to different people based on their personal interests and experiences. Aboard our trips, we meet a variety of men from all walks of life. We’ve learned that holding an open, supportive space for deep conversation often yields the most amazing and memorable voyages.

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