
Meet an Everything To Sea Traveler: Andrew spills tunes and beans on The Naked Thai Villa trip

We had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew to The Naked Thai Villa two weeks ago. The man is an actor, board game aficionado, and all-around great company. Originally from Canada but now based in Beijing, he kept the group entertained with music, crafty skills, and lively conversation. In this discussion with him on the last day of the trip, we dove into topics like body positivity and human connection, and he even shared some top tips for Everything To Sea newbies.

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Ashamed to Admit You’re a Nudist?

Are you curious about nudism, but concerned that you’ll be judged negatively? Shame can be a powerful deterrent to nudism. At Everything To Sea, we believe that there’s a deeper purpose to shedding off clothes: Being naked is a way to practice self-acceptance. There comes a time when we have to question from where shame around nudity stems. Also, who or what perpetuates it… and why? Some of these answers are candidly expressed, in an article we found on British Naturism.

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We like Nudists, Voyeurists, and Exhibitionists. We don’t like Seeists.

What’s your insecurity? More than likely, a body part comes to mind. Hairline. Nose. Skin blemishes. Balls. It’s hard not to succumb to the negative emotions around our insecurities, and let them stop us from living life fully. Some people practice nudism in rebellion against the arbitrary societal assignment of “good” versus “bad” appearance. Screw all the bullshit of a good versus a bad stomach – a body is a body is a body. And all men’s bodies are welcome on Everything To Sea trips. We love the way this article from AlmostWild.com goes further into this topic.

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What Kind of Weirdo Goes to Nude Beaches?

We came across this article on Medium.com from nudist writer, GB Dare. He uses satire as a persuasive technique, to send the message that “nice, ordinary, productive members of society sometimes like to be naked and/or have a few kinks.” When we think of who comes on our Everything To Sea sailing trips, we could say the same exact thing. We hope you enjoy this sarcastic – and hilarious – post as much as we did!

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Your Dream Relationship Awaits You

Get Your Dream Relationship by Setting Boundaries

If you’ve gone through our website, you know that our most unique offering (in fact, we’re the only company in the world that offers this!) is Your Private Journey. So hopefully, you’ve heard about Your Private Journey.  Now, what about Your Dream Relationship? In this post, we discuss something we can’t set up for you: this one, you’ve got to do yourself.  Read on, for tips on how to get Your Dream Relationship.

The fact is, boundaries are essential in healthy partnerships. And we each have our own set of boundaries – whether we’re fully conscious of them or not. For example, “I need you to be on time for our date night,” or, “I don’t want to be touched there.” When boundaries are crossed in relationships, it’s normal to feel frustrated, disappointed, or sad. For many, it’s a great challenge to actually state boundaries out loud due to fear of judgement, abandonment, or rejection. But people aren’t mind readers, and that’s why rules and boundaries must be made explicit – and the sooner, the better. In this article, we’re going to dive into how to set boundaries, especially when it comes to open relationships.

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Are You Decent?

A look at the curious ways the English language deals with nudity.

We are big language nerds over here at Everything To Sea. We love sharing and comparing the nuances and idiosyncrasies that exist in English versus other languages. In fact, altogether our team can speak 8 different languages, including German, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Javanese, and English. We couldn’t resist sharing excerpts from a blog written by Paul Rousse, editor of Naturist Travel/H&E Naturist. He takes a deep dive into the various ways that people have used the English language to describe nudity, from the coarse and comical to the polished and old-fashioned.

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There’s a Decades-Old Boner War Raging Inside Nudist Camps

A boner war may be raging in nudist camps, but with Everything To Sea trips, the only thing raging might be boners themselves. Woops – now we’re just being “cheeky.” Not that there’s anything wrong with ass cheeks (or assholes; we like them on our trips, too! We mean, the body part… not some dick you just met.) Wait, did you just meet up with… some dick?

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These Facts May Change the Way You Travel

The world is an amazing place and traveling can make you feel invincible. It’s no coincidence it’s so addictive. However, there is a science behind the joy of traveling. Check out this article that we found from TheDiscoverer.com about crazy facts that could change the way you travel – and give you even more reasons to head on another new adventure.

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