
Meet an Everything To Sea Traveler: Andrew spills tunes and beans on The Naked Thai Villa trip

We had the pleasure of welcoming Andrew to The Naked Thai Villa two weeks ago. The man is an actor, board game aficionado, and all-around great company. Originally from Canada but now based in Beijing, he kept the group entertained with music, crafty skills, and lively conversation. In this discussion with him on the last day of the trip, we dove into topics like body positivity and human connection, and he even shared some top tips for Everything To Sea newbies.

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Top Naturist Blogs To Read In 2025

Great news, we’ve been selected as one of the top 35 Naturist Blogs by Feedspot for the second year running! While naturism and clothing-optional activities continue to grow in popularity, finding ways to connect with the community can present quite a challenge depending on where you live. We have found that blogs continue to provide the best travel advice and resources for our clothing-optional explorations. Here is a snapshot of a few blogs that were selected alongside this one. 

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5 Mistakes Travelers Make When Their Flight is Delayed or Canceled

Fuck ups happen in life, and travel is no exception. We found this article on Daily Passport about common mistakes travelers make during flight delays and cancellations. We want your travels to be as carefree as our naked voyages! So, before you take flight on your next adventure, take a moment to arm yourself with this knowledge. Happy reading, and remember — in travel, as in life, it’s all about going with the flow!

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How 10 Hours with No Wi-Fi Drove Me Crazy, then Set Me Free

GQ columnist Chris Black finds himself on a plane without Wi-Fi and begins to reconsider his long-term relationship with the internet. How extremely online do we really need to be? Many believe that what we do on the internet ties to our identity, and how productive we are. Black’s experience without the internet made us think: Do we need to balance our online and offline lives better? Are we relying too much on being connected all the time? Is this constant need to be online taking away from other important parts of our lives?

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What the F is The Coral Triangle?

The Coral Triangle is, without question, the greatest center of biodiversity in the marine world. Even though it holds just 1.5% of the total ocean area across the globe, it houses:

76% of coral species on the planet
Nearly 50% of known marine life
Six of the world’s seven marine turtle species

The Coral Triangle is considered one of the three mega-ecological complexes on our planet, together with the Congo Basin and the Amazon Rainforest.

We stumbled on this listicle on Reef-World.org, that describes how the Coral Triangle is, well, the superlative of superlatives. It’ll probably have you looking forward to June 9th – annually designated “Coral Triangle Day”, to raise awareness about marine conservation. And to accompany our reprint of the article, we’re sharing actual photos taken by our travelers on our Everything To Sea trips. Get ready for a truly special treat…

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We like Nudists, Voyeurists, and Exhibitionists. We don’t like Seeists.

What’s your insecurity? More than likely, a body part comes to mind. Hairline. Nose. Skin blemishes. Balls. It’s hard not to succumb to the negative emotions around our insecurities, and let them stop us from living life fully. Some people practice nudism in rebellion against the arbitrary societal assignment of “good” versus “bad” appearance. Screw all the bullshit of a good versus a bad stomach – a body is a body is a body. And all men’s bodies are welcome on Everything To Sea trips. We love the way this article from AlmostWild.com goes further into this topic.

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Meet An Everything To Sea Traveler! Ric Grant

We really enjoy getting to know the guys who join our trips through deep conversations. We’d love to share this honest conversation between Everything To Sea and Ric, a traveler who came aboard our boat in October 2022. Ric is a freight operations manager (choo-choo!) who loves spending his free time camping naked in the bush of Australia. He inspired us with his story and we’d like to highlight him in this post as part of our blog series called “Meet Another Everything To Sea Traveler.”

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Top Tips for Nude Hiking Legally (And Illegally)

“Freehiking” is the modern term for the act of hiking or walking in nature while naked. For this week’s blog post, we’d like to share an excerpt from an article on PlanetNude.substack.com. It outlines the best practices for trekking naked in nature – legally and illegally. The original article contains a disclaimer, and we’d like to add our two cents: While we enjoy nude activities like freehiking, we don’t condone illegal activity and we believe that nudity, even in settings where it’s allowed, should be practiced mindfully.

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5 Must-See Snorkel Sites, Curated by Everything To Sea

There are dozens of reefs in the Coral Triangle that attract snorkelers and scuba divers alike. We’ve been sailing in the area for several years, and we’ve done an extensive amount of underwater curation. We take our travelers to the very best sites – some of which fly completely under the radar, unbeknownst to the crowds. In this blog post, we’ll take you through the top five snorkeling spots that every guy on an Everything To Sea trip gets to experience – and yes, you can be naked, if you want. Please excuse the generic location names – we want to keep these reefs our little secret!

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Which Queer Sea Creature Are You?

In the 1990s, marine biologists finally broke through observer bias and societal hush-hush, and came out about what’s really going on under the sea. From little Nemo the clownfish to Free Willy the orca, several species have been observed flipping genders and flopping around with the same sex. These “sea queer-tures” are the real ones making waves with copulation, mutual masturbation, gang banging, courtship, and cuddle time. Things really are better and wetter under the sea. 

These are our top 3 favorite sea queer-tures that can all be found in the Coral Triangle – where we run our sailing trips.

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How to Speak Every Love Language: Travel Edition

Kevin Mayfield is a travel agent who advises his clients on ideal travel experiences, and of course he recommends Everything To Sea for those seeking naked travel. In fact, Kevin himself is a proud nudist and probably sells trips while in the buff at his laptop! You can reach him at Kevin(at)mwktravelservices(dot)com for planning your upcoming trip. In this post, Kevin brainstorms how to use the concept of love languages to elevate travel experiences.

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