

Your Dream Relationship Awaits You

Get Your Dream Relationship by Setting Boundaries

If you’ve gone through our website, you know that our most unique offering (in fact, we’re the only company in the world that offers this!) is Your Private Journey. So hopefully, you’ve heard about Your Private Journey.  Now, what about Your Dream Relationship? In this post, we discuss something we can’t set up for you: this one, you’ve got to do yourself.  Read on, for tips on how to get Your Dream Relationship.

The fact is, boundaries are essential in healthy partnerships. And we each have our own set of boundaries – whether we’re fully conscious of them or not. For example, “I need you to be on time for our date night,” or, “I don’t want to be touched there.” When boundaries are crossed in relationships, it’s normal to feel frustrated, disappointed, or sad. For many, it’s a great challenge to actually state boundaries out loud due to fear of judgement, abandonment, or rejection. But people aren’t mind readers, and that’s why rules and boundaries must be made explicit – and the sooner, the better. In this article, we’re going to dive into how to set boundaries, especially when it comes to open relationships.

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Are You Decent?

A look at the curious ways the English language deals with nudity.

We are big language nerds over here at Everything To Sea. We love sharing and comparing the nuances and idiosyncrasies that exist in English versus other languages. In fact, altogether our team can speak 8 different languages, including German, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Javanese, and English. We couldn’t resist sharing excerpts from a blog written by Paul Rousse, editor of Naturist Travel/H&E Naturist. He takes a deep dive into the various ways that people have used the English language to describe nudity, from the coarse and comical to the polished and old-fashioned.

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Reintroducing Masturbation

There are many so-called “sexual health experts” out there, including family members, religious leaders, and burnt out health class teachers. And unfortunately, much of the information that we get from these “experts” is laced with shame. In this blog, we’d like to reintroduce you to our gorgeous friend, masturbation, with a body-positive and research-based outlook. Later, we’ll touch on a couple of trending topics related to male masturbation, including the NoFap movement and semen retention.

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Which Queer Sea Creature Are You?

In the 1990s, marine biologists finally broke through observer bias and societal hush-hush, and came out about what’s really going on under the sea. From little Nemo the clownfish to Free Willy the orca, several species have been observed flipping genders and flopping around with the same sex. These “sea queer-tures” are the real ones making waves with copulation, mutual masturbation, gang banging, courtship, and cuddle time. Things really are better and wetter under the sea. 

These are our top 3 favorite sea queer-tures that can all be found in the Coral Triangle – where we run our sailing trips.

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How to Speak Every Love Language: Travel Edition

Kevin Mayfield is a travel agent who advises his clients on ideal travel experiences, and of course he recommends Everything To Sea for those seeking naked travel. In fact, Kevin himself is a proud nudist and probably sells trips while in the buff at his laptop! You can reach him at Kevin(at)mwktravelservices(dot)com for planning your upcoming trip. In this post, Kevin brainstorms how to use the concept of love languages to elevate travel experiences.

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Penis Pride & Penis (with a capital “P”)

Our guest blogger is Tyler the Bad Wolf. He’s a writer, elite male companion, and all-around penis enthusiast. Badwolf.blog is a collection of his thoughts on male sexuality, pornography, art, and sexual health. In these two posts taken from Tyler’s glossary about male masturbation culture, he talks about dicks, concepts around them, and being proud of what you have. Happy reading!

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There’s a Decades-Old Boner War Raging Inside Nudist Camps

A boner war may be raging in nudist camps, but with Everything To Sea trips, the only thing raging might be boners themselves. Woops – now we’re just being “cheeky.” Not that there’s anything wrong with ass cheeks (or assholes; we like them on our trips, too! We mean, the body part… not some dick you just met.) Wait, did you just meet up with… some dick?

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These Facts May Change the Way You Travel

The world is an amazing place and traveling can make you feel invincible. It’s no coincidence it’s so addictive. However, there is a science behind the joy of traveling. Check out this article that we found from TheDiscoverer.com about crazy facts that could change the way you travel – and give you even more reasons to head on another new adventure.

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The Gift of Time – A New Perspective on Hotel Quarantines

Time is free, but it’s priceless. You can’t own it, but you can use it. You can’t keep it, but you can spend it. Once you’ve lost it, you can never get it back. 

– Harvey Mackay

It’s safe to say that most of us are tired of hearing the word quarantine. Equally true is our desire to resume our travels once again. Finding the right mindset to approach the new travel landscape can set you up to make the most out of your entire trip – including any hotel quarantine.

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Meet Massive Manta Rays

While most of us like to think our own one-eyed monster is the largest creature of the deep blue sea, the reality is our entire physique shrinks compared to massive manta rays. But do not be intimidated, these gentle giants simply spend their lives gliding through the surf. Manta rays are a common sight on Everything To Sea’s voyages within the waters surrounding the many islands of Indonesia. 

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Snorkeling in The Best Place on Earth

Sometimes we’re asked if cruises provide snorkeling options. We are EVERYTHING TO SEA, so it’d be crazy if we didn’t! Especially because we’re sailing in part of the famous Coral Triangle, dubbed “The Amazon of the Seas”. Picture a beautiful landscape under the sea, rich with marine plants, gorgeous coral, and the greatest diversity of coral reef fishes in the world.

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Signs of Anxiety, Stress, and Depression in Men

May is the National Mental Health Awareness Month in the United States. One of our founders, Max, recently talked about his observation on how men often found it difficult to speak up about their inner world. He recommended this article that talks about signs of anxiety, stress, and depression in men by Jean Claude Chalmet, as told to Anna Maxted. A version of this article can be found on ThePlaceRetreat.com.

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Ball Yoga: It’s a Thing! Here’s a Way to Exercise With Your Crown Jewels

Now that we’re emerging from a long quarantine, many people are realizing they may have put on a few “pandemic pounds.”  Well, if you find yourself in that category, we’re here to help.  We heard of a new way to exercise…with your balls.  Yes, it’s called “Ball Yoga”. We went to our friends The Naked Trainers to find out what it’s all about, and how you can get to stretching the family jewels.  

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