
Addicted to Nudism: An Account from a Lifelong Nudist

We recently came across this post from a blog titled, “Buying Time: An Exciting Adventure in Early Retirement.” It’s a vulnerable and personal story from a young retiree named Max, who’s made himself a beautiful nude life, alone in the countryside. The post covers his struggle with loneliness, as he has chosen nudism without the support of his friends and community. We occasionally hear these kinds of stories, and that’s why we feel it’s so important to provide a safe space for men to be nude together. If you relate to any of his experiences, let us know in the Comment section.

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Naked or Clothed: What’s Really Normal?

We’re born in a beautiful bundle of flesh. It’s not in our inherent nature to cover up our bodies… it’s societal pressure that makes people not even question it. In fact, when you take a look at all of human history, wearing clothing is a recent trend, and it’s even newer in Southeast Asia. The spread of religion and colonialism influenced people to cover up, despite centuries of nudity accepted as the norm. Today, it’s only isolated groups who were more immune to colonial influence, that still remain nude.

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Are You Decent?

A look at the curious ways the English language deals with nudity.

We are big language nerds over here at Everything To Sea. We love sharing and comparing the nuances and idiosyncrasies that exist in English versus other languages. In fact, altogether our team can speak 8 different languages, including German, French, Indonesian, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Javanese, and English. We couldn’t resist sharing excerpts from a blog written by Paul Rousse, editor of Naturist Travel/H&E Naturist. He takes a deep dive into the various ways that people have used the English language to describe nudity, from the coarse and comical to the polished and old-fashioned.

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How to Speak Every Love Language: Travel Edition

Kevin Mayfield is a travel agent who advises his clients on ideal travel experiences, and of course he recommends Everything To Sea for those seeking naked travel. In fact, Kevin himself is a proud nudist and probably sells trips while in the buff at his laptop! You can reach him at Kevin(at)mwktravelservices(dot)com for planning your upcoming trip. In this post, Kevin brainstorms how to use the concept of love languages to elevate travel experiences.

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There’s a Decades-Old Boner War Raging Inside Nudist Camps

A boner war may be raging in nudist camps, but with Everything To Sea trips, the only thing raging might be boners themselves. Woops – now we’re just being “cheeky.” Not that there’s anything wrong with ass cheeks (or assholes; we like them on our trips, too! We mean, the body part… not some dick you just met.) Wait, did you just meet up with… some dick?

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These Facts May Change the Way You Travel

The world is an amazing place and traveling can make you feel invincible. It’s no coincidence it’s so addictive. However, there is a science behind the joy of traveling. Check out this article that we found from TheDiscoverer.com about crazy facts that could change the way you travel – and give you even more reasons to head on another new adventure.

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Ball Yoga: It’s a Thing! Here’s a Way to Exercise With Your Crown Jewels

Now that we’re emerging from a long quarantine, many people are realizing they may have put on a few “pandemic pounds.”  Well, if you find yourself in that category, we’re here to help.  We heard of a new way to exercise…with your balls.  Yes, it’s called “Ball Yoga”. We went to our friends The Naked Trainers to find out what it’s all about, and how you can get to stretching the family jewels.  

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Free Your Mind – 40 Activities You Can Do Naked

The beach, a nudist camp, or an organized naked group trip are the usual things that come to mind when thinking about naked activities. But there are scores of other things you can do nude, too! An article called “101 Activities You Can Do Naked” by nudeandhappy.com listed out – well – over a hundred. We have 40 random activities culled from them here. Read on and enter a naked state of mind…

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Tips for the First Time Male Nudie

What if I get hard? What if my dick isn’t big enough? We know that some of our readers may be new to the idea of going nude in group settings. If you’re not an experienced nudist, you may have questions. We are reprinting excerpts from an original article written by NakedWanderings.com. In some places, we’ve changed the text as necessary, to make it more applicable to an all-male situation.

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10 Health Benefits to Going Nude

Is getting naked a fun thing for you? Does it make you feel more free? Do you like not having the feeling of clothes against your skin? What if a naturist lifestyle is actually healthy? Check out this article called “10 Health Benefits to Going Nude”, as seen on The Luxury Spot:

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